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15 Grants Awarded in Spring 2024

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The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation awarded 15 grants in the spring of 2024 to organizations working to promote the health of individuals who are economically vulnerable. The newly awarded projects focus on improving access and quality of care across South Carolina. 

Mental Health 

South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association (SCIMHA)

Allendale, Barnwell, Charleston, Laurens, Lexington, Orangeburg, Richland and Spartanburg counties 
This three-year grant will help close a gap in awareness and use of infant and early mental health practices in child-serving organizations. This aims to create a stronger network of providers for early detection and intervention for children ages zero to three. 

South Carolina Network of Childrens Advocacy Centers (SCNCAC)

This five-year grant will develop and implement state performance standards for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) across South Carolina. The standards will improve quality and expand CAC services through accreditation of community centers to serve more children and mitigate the long-term effects of trauma. 


In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, funding will continue to support five federally qualified health care centers with embedded community health workers (CHWs) to enhance and improve outcomes for patients with diabetes. This funding is for three years. 

Affinity Health Center

Chester, Lancaster and York counties 

Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services

Beaufort, Hampton and Jasper counties 

CareSouth Carolina, Inc

Chesterfield, Darlington, Dillon, Lee and Marlboro counties 

Hope Health

Clarendon, Florence and Williamsburg counties 

Tandem Health

Sumter County 

Oral Health 

Healthy Learners

Chesterfield and Darlington counties 
This two-year grant will create a partnership model between Healthy Learners and CareSouth (FQHC) Pediatric Dental Clinic to increase access to dental services for children in rural areas otherwise disconnected. This project bridges school-based and FQHC site care outside of the school year, overcoming transportation barriers and maximizing time, space and services to increase use of services from both organizations. 

Oconee Memorial Hospital Foundation

Oconee and Pickens counties 
This three-year grant will expand dental services for older children and adults who are uninsured by expanding services and capacity. Funding will provide a dental home for comprehensive services and reduce use of emergency department for dental needs. 

Supportive Systems 

SC Institute of Medicine and Public Health (IMPH)

This one-year grant will convene stakeholders to create a plan to address disparities in maternal and child health outcomes in rural areas. This includes a focus on diabetes to decrease maternal and child health disparities and improve outcomes for mothers and babies in rural areas. 

SC Thrive

This one-year grant will increase the number of safety net organizations that are connected to and utilizing the Thrive Hub platform benefits connection capability and add additional social service benefits applications into Thrive Hub. 

Workforce Expansion for Health Care 

Funding to expand the health workforce in South Carolina will provide modern equipment and learning environments that prepare students to deliver quality clinical care in their communities. 

Aiken Technical College

Aiken County 
Equipment Update for Dental Assisting Program (1 year) 

Central Carolina Technical College (CCTC)

Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee and Sumter counties 
Titan Nursing Simulation Center Equipment Project (1 year) 

Newberry College

Newberry County 
Simulation Equipment for Expanded Nursing Program (1 year) 

Tri-County Technical College

Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties 
Equipment for Expanded Dental Program (1 year)