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About the Foundation

We are a statewide health funder committed to improving health outcomes for current and future generations of South Carolinians.

The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation was established in 2003. The Foundation's grants support projects that promote the health of South Carolinians and increase access to health care for the economically disadvantaged. 

By focusing on select systemic population health issues, we aim to do the most good for the most people in South Carolina. We strive to balance immediate, quantifiable improvements with sustainable systemic changes that have long-term benefits.

Our grantees are nonprofits, government agencies and educational institutions. With the Foundation's grants, they're able to leverage technology, hire practitioners and increase access points of care — all to help reach and improve the health of more people. 

Our Vision

To bridge health and health care in South Carolina.

Our Mission

The mission of the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation is to promote and support healthier South Carolinians, particularly the economically vulnerable, by supporting solutions to address gaps in health care and serving as an agent of change to support innovation and value-added public-private partnerships. 

Our Values

We have a unique position as a statewide health foundation that allows us to support select systemic population health issues and approaches across South Carolina.

  • We recognize that improving health is complex; therefore, we support a continuum of approaches ranging from providing direct care for the economically vulnerable to advancing policy, systems and environmental changes.
  • We prioritize efforts that will improve the health of future generations of South Carolinians.
  • We empower organizations to increase effectiveness towards improved health outcomes.
  • We support efforts that represent community and statewide priorities that are locally determined, culturally relevant and data-informed solutions.
  • We equip our partners to connect learning to action and use data for continuous improvement.
  • We are a catalytic partner, supporting organizations and programs as they gain sustainability by leveraging funds and we value innovative projects that can expand to multiple geographic areas in South Carolina.

Our Staff 

Our staff is dedicated to the goal of making South Carolina a better place to live by improving healthcare outcomes for vulnerable citizens.

Read more about our staff members


Contact Us 

If you need to get in touch with the Foundation, you can reach out to one of our staff members directly, or you can submit a message directly through our form.

Contact form

Partner Testimonials

The Foundation goes above and beyond to provide proactive and innovative support to address the critical health needs of our state.

Maya Pack
Executive Director, South Carolina Institute of Medicine & Public Health (IMPH)
Columbia, SC

Foundation funding supported the launch of the SC Community Health Worker institute, which trains frontline public health workers.

Our health-focused grants help organizations address policies and systems to improve overall health.

More on health-focused grants

See the latest news from the Foundation.



Management of Maternal Diabetes (MOMs)

Gestational diabetes can have serious complications for both the mother and child. MOMs aims to prevent or mitigate these complications through specialized prenatal care.


Mental Health of America Greenville County

As many as 2.3 million South Carolinians live in an area that doesn't have enough mental health professionals to meet demand. They need help from organizations like MHAGC, which supports the crisis...


Healthy Learners Regional Network Expansion

Many children in poverty struggle to achieve educational success due to fixable health challenges that haven't been addressed. Healthy Learners help them get those challenges addressed.