Grant Recipients
CareSouth Carolina
This three-year grant will expand the School Based Oral Health (SBOH) model to Head Start programs. It will increase the number of children aged 3 – 5 who are receiving preventive care, decrease untreated caries and improve oral health education.
Head Start Expansion — Phase I (3 years)
American Cancer Society (ACS)
Fall 2024This two-year grant will expand a quality improvement learning collaborative in member clinics of the South Carolina Free Clinic Association. The collaborative will increase screening and vaccination rates for five cancers. It will also train clinic staff and create a quality culture to reduce costs and improve care.
Anderson Interfaith Ministries (AIM)
Fall 2024This one-year grant will support Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients who are seeking a health degree or certificate completion. Not only will this project provide a novel approach to workforce support for low-income individuals, but it will also increase graduation and certification completion rates.
AnMed Health
Fall 2024This two-year grant will launch an integrated mental health counseling and case management pilot model for youth ages 11 – 17 at a pediatric and adolescent practice. It will provide on-site mental health services and screenings, reduce emergency room visits and improve connections to resources.
Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services
Fall 2024This three-year grant will expand the School Based Oral Health (SBOH) model to Head Start programs. It will increase the number of children aged 3 – 5 who are receiving preventive care, decrease untreated caries and improve oral health education.
Head Start Expansion — Phase I (3 years)
ChildSmiles Dental Clinic
Fall 2024This three-year grant will expand the School Based Oral Health (SBOH) model to Head Start programs. It will increase the number of children aged 3 – 5 who are receiving preventive care, decrease untreated caries and improve oral health education.
Head Start Expansion — Phase I (3 years)
Fetter Health Care Network
Fall 2024This three-year grant will expand the School Based Oral Health (SBOH) model to Head Start programs. It will increase the number of children aged 3 – 5 who are receiving preventive care, decrease untreated caries and improve oral health education.
Head Start Expansion — Phase I (3 years)
Landmarks for Families
Fall 2024This two-year grant will provide additional, targeted mental health services for teens and preteens in the foster care system. It will guide adolescents in developing protective factors — such as healthy behaviors, coping skills and social support — which will help them manage stress and trauma.
Expansion of Mental Health Support Services for At-Risk Youth (2 years)
Lions Vision Services (LVS)
Fall 2024This three-year grant will provide comprehensive eye care services to economically vulnerable individuals. It will increase the number of uninsured or underinsured individuals receiving vision and eye services.
Little River Medical Center
Fall 2024This three-year grant will expand the School Based Oral Health (SBOH) model to Head Start programs. It will increase the number of children aged 3 – 5 who are receiving preventive care, decrease untreated caries and improve oral health education.
Head Start Expansion — Phase I (3 years)
ReGenesis Healthcare Services
Fall 2024This three-year grant will expand the School Based Oral Health (SBOH) model to Head Start programs. It will increase the number of children aged 3 – 5 who are receiving preventive care, decrease untreated caries and improve oral health education.
Head Start Expansion — Phase I (3 years)
South Carolina Medical Association Foundation (SCMA)
Fall 2024This one-year grant will help build the infrastructure necessary for the SCMA to pursue accreditation from the national accrediting entity for a GME accredited rural residency program in family medicine, with a focus on obstetric care. This will increase the number of family medicine physicians in rural communities.
South Carolina Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers (SCNCAC)
Fall 2024This three-year grant will expand the Safe Babies Team (SBT) model to new counties and provide intensive care support services for children ages 0 – 3. It will increase the number of children who reach permanency, reduce trauma and adverse childhood experiences, and connect parents to mental health and other resources.
Replication of Intensive Case Support Services for Zero to Three (3 years)
USC Beaufort
Fall 2024This two-year grant will support nursing students toward degree completion through a novel workforce approach. It will remove financial barriers for low-income individuals to obtain medical credentials.
Aiken Technical College
Spring 2024Funding to expand the health workforce in South Carolina will provide modern equipment and learning environments that prepare students to deliver quality clinical care in their communities.
Equipment Update for Dental Assisting Program (1 year)
Central Carolina Technical College (CCTC)
Spring 2024Funding to expand the health workforce in South Carolina will provide modern equipment and learning environments that prepare students to deliver quality clinical care in their communities.
Titan Nursing Simulation Center Equipment Project (1 year)
Healthy Learners
Spring 2024This two-year grant will create a partnership model between Healthy Learners and CareSouth (FQHC) Pediatric Dental Clinic to increase access to dental services for children in rural areas otherwise disconnected. This project bridges school-based and FQHC site care outside of the school year, overcoming transportation barriers and maximizing time, space and services to increase use of services from both organizations.
Newberry College
Spring 2024Funding to expand the health workforce in South Carolina will provide modern equipment and learning environments that prepare students to deliver quality clinical care in their communities.
Simulation Equipment for Expanded Nursing Program (1 year)
Oconee Memorial Hospital Foundation
Spring 2024This three-year grant will expand dental services for older children and adults who are uninsured by expanding services and capacity. Funding will provide a dental home for comprehensive services and reduce use of emergency department for dental needs.
SC Institute of Medicine and Public Health (IMPH)
Spring 2024This one-year grant will convene stakeholders to create a plan to address disparities in maternal and child health outcomes in rural areas. This includes a focus on diabetes to decrease maternal and child health disparities and improve outcomes for mothers and babies in rural areas.
SC Thrive
Spring 2024This one-year grant will incentivize use and accelerate interconnectivity of Thrive Hub by FQHCs and safety net providers to connect more individuals to expanded benefits and resources. Adding social service benefit applications to Thrive Hub creates a point of access. Technology integration into FQHC’s electronic health record will improve workflow and referral capacity and reach more people.
South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association (SCIMHA)
Spring 2024This three-year grant will help close a gap in awareness and use of infant and early mental health practices in child-serving organizations. This aims to create a stronger network of providers for early detection and intervention for children ages zero to three.
South Carolina Network of Childrens Advocacy Centers (SCNCAC)
Spring 2024This five-year grant will develop and implement state performance standards for Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) across South Carolina. The standards will improve quality and expand CAC services through accreditation of community centers to serve more children and mitigate the long-term effects of trauma.
Tri-County Technical College
Spring 2024Funding to expand the health workforce in South Carolina will provide modern equipment and learning environments that prepare students to deliver quality clinical care in their communities.
Equipment for Expanded Dental Program (1 year)
American Cancer Society
Fall 2023This grant will launch a 12-month learning collaborative for safety net clinics focused on promotion and delivery of cancer screenings or vaccination. The collaborative is designed to increase screening and cancer prevention efforts, close gaps in care, and create a structure from which organizations can learn from one another. (1 year)
Florence Darlington Technical College Educational Foundation
Fall 2023This grant will allow the college to update equipment in its dental clinic to expand and allow the dental hygiene community clinic to see more individuals with severe needs that otherwise would not have had access. (1 year)
Greenville Technical Foundation
Fall 2023This grant will enhance the student’s direct experience and training to provide preventive and treatment services to community dental clinic patients by using updated equipment. (1 year)
Horry-Georgetown Technical College Foundation
Fall 2023This grant will improve lab enhancements by purchasing equipment to prepare students for the progression of working in a clinical setting. (1 year)
Institute for Child Success
Fall 2023This grant will gather insight to the factors influencing the utilization of available food support programs and develop regional maps on availability and gaps, focused on families with children 0 – 8 years of age. (2 years)
Mental Illness Recovery Center
Fall 2023This grant will expand the work of the organization by providing a new resource for stable and supportive housing for females ages 17 – 22 that are at risk of or experiencing homelessness. (3 years)
Midlands Technical College Foundation
Fall 2023his grant will purchase updated equipment, which will allow better detection of periodontal disease and dental caries and create a space for students to learn with the newest technology. (1 year)
Reach out and Read
Fall 2023his grant will increase the number of pediatric clinics in South Carolina using the expanded Reach out and Read oral health model. This model seeks to increase fluoride varnishes applied in pediatric primary care practices and a connection to a dental home for children. (3 years)
South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium, MUSC
Fall 2023This project will conduct a feasibility assessment for a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner fellowship. (1 year)
South Carolina Free Clinic Association
Fall 2023This grant will support the clinics and provide care for the individuals who are uninsured while advancing efforts to document and use a quality improvement data approach. This method will work to drive change, advance services available and demonstrate the impact free clinics in South Carolina that are providing for patients and their health outcomes. (2 years)
Spartanburg Community College Foundation
Fall 2023This grant will provide students with training and experience using updated digital dental equipment to improve overall health for residents and create space for students to gain more practice and experience before entering the workforce. (1 year)
Trident Technical College Foundation
Fall 2023This grant will allow the college to replace outdated dental hygiene clinic’s dental equipment for enhanced student training and experience. (1 year)
A Child’s Haven
Spring 2023This grant will launch and assess a hub-and-spoke model to expand the reach of its mental health-focused child care services. It will do this by co-locating an early childhood mental health clinician and social worker in at least six traditional early child care and educational settings. The aim is to increase access to treatment for developmental delays and decrease child care expulsions. (3 years)
Children’s Trust of South Carolina
Spring 2023This grant will put in place the Teen Positive Parenting Program (Triple P). It will help families with children ages 12 – 16 by promoting protective factors, healthy development, and overall improved mental and physical health. (3 years)
Healthy Learners
Spring 2023This grant will expand Healthy Learners’ reach and impact in two new regions of South Carolina, covering six additional counties. Its aim is to further statewide coverage. Healthy Learners provides yearly vision, hearing and dental screenings to all children in prekindergarten (pre-K) through 12th grade. It also provides case management and transportation to make sure children get services they need. (3 years)
Impact America
Spring 2023This grant will provide free vision screenings and access to eyeglasses to children ages 6 months to 5 years in Head Start programs, pre-K classrooms and day care centers. (3 years)
Midlands Technical College
Spring 2023This grant will be used to buy technology that will improve patient care at its community dental clinic. It will also expand services in the surrounding community. (1 year)
North Charleston Dental Outreach
Spring 2023This grant will support the purchase of dental treatment equipment and supplies to provide more services and serve more patients. (1 year)
Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach
Spring 2023This grant will increase the number of oral health services the group can provide through new equipment and increased operational capacity. (2 years)
Columbia International University
Fall 2022This grant will establish a PhD program in counselor education and supervision to address the shortage of counseling faculty that has limited the number of master’s-prepared clinical mental health counselors who can be educated and licensed in South Carolina. (3 years)
Communities In Schools of South Carolina
Fall 2022This grant will provide early intervention, evidence based wraparound services focused on improving social and emotional learning at 10 Title 1 elementary schools. (3 years)
Epworth Children's Home
Fall 2022This grant will improve mental health with children, youth and adults through expanding specialized therapeutic services into the Upstate and Lowcountry regions of the state. (4 years)
Fetter Health Care Network
Fall 2022This grant will implement and establish school-based dental health services that meets the treatment needs of children in Charleston and Colleton counties. (2 years)
Greenville Tech Foundation
Fall 2022This grant will purchase oral health equipment for the dental clinic at Greenville Technical college that serves as a community clinic for more than 600 patients a year. (1 year)
Health Care Partners of South Carolina, Inc
Fall 2022This grant will implement and establish school-based dental health services that meets the treatment needs of children in Florence County through the School-Based Oral Health Initiative. (2 years)
SC Department of Social Services
Fall 2022This grant will pilot the evidence-based Iowa Parent Peer Mentor Program in South Carolina. (2 years)
Trident Technical College Foundation
Fall 2022This grant will supply necessary training equipment to increase the capacity of Trident Technical College dental assistant and dental hygienist class sizes and serve patients served at the Trident Technical College community dental clinic. (1.5 years)
Mental Health America of Greenville County
Spring 2022This grant will support the launch of 988, a mental health focused emergency line with improved data and technology systems to handle the expected significant increase in call volume. (Three years)
National Alliance on Mental Illness South Carolina
Spring 2022This grant will help continue and expand Ending the Silence, a mental health awareness and suicide prevention training throughout middle and high schools in South Carolina with a focus on districts that have not previously been reached. (Three years)
The University of South Carolina — South Carolina Community Health Worker Institute
Spring 2022This grant will provide high-quality training and capacity building to organizations implementing the Community Health Worker (CHW) model across South Carolina. (Three years)
Carolina Youth Development Center
Fall 2021To expand mental health services and to launch the pilot, Strengthening Families Program (SFP) to serve children ages 12-16 at risk of entering the foster care system (3 years).
Communities in Schools of South Carolina
Fall 2021To promote schoolwide mental health awareness and pilot a peer support program to serve as a resource to help students access mental health resources (3 years).
FSG, Inc.
Fall 2021To provide evaluation support and grantee capacity building across adolescent mental health grantees (1 year).
Healthy Learners
Fall 2021To normalize the conversation around mental health and increase access to mental health care for adolescents through community engagement and Mental Health First Aid (3 years).
Lions Vision Services: A South Carolina Charity
Fall 2021To increase South Carolina’s capacity to improve vision health for the economically vulnerable through vision screenings and eye exams, sight-saving surgeries and vision rehabilitation services (3 years).
Medical University of South Carolina Foundation
Fall 2021To establish a pilot Fellowship in Rural and Safety Net Dentistry in partnership with Federally Qualified Health Centers, in order to increase placement of dental graduates within rural and safety net settings (3 years)
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
Fall 2021To expand mental health services to youth ages 18-21 in Clarendon county through an expansion of a mental health wellness center at Central Carolina Technical College (3 years).
University of South Carolina College of Nursing
Fall 2021To establish a pilot faculty pipeline program at the University of South Carolina’s College of Nursing to increase the overall number of faculty from their internal pool of doctoral students (3 years).
University of South Carolina Institute for Families in Society
Fall 2021To provide a continuum of universal and targeted parenting trainings to address common adolescent social, emotional and behavioral challenges through Teen Triple P in Lexington One School District. (3 years)
University of South Carolina Upstate Foundation
Fall 2021To address the nursing faculty shortage by increasing the number of nurses pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing Education by providing full-ride scholarships to students (2.5 years).
Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) Greenville
Spring 2021To expand the Assertive Community Engagement (ACE) Recovery Coaching Program, connecting inpatients that present with symptoms or complications related to substance use disorder with peer support specialists and providing them with a continuum of supports (2 years)
Florence Darlington Technical College
Spring 2021To support the community dental clinic at FDTC to replace outdated dental equipment and purchase supplies that will allow the clinic to provide care to patients who cannot afford services that are referred by free medical clinics, Head Start, and local schools (1 year)
Health Care Partners of SC
Spring 2021To establish school-based dental services within Florence School District 5. (1 year)
Medical University of South Carolina College of Dental Medicine
Spring 2021To establish a system of care to make sure children’s dental needs within Florence and Marion counties are met, utilizing pediatric dental residents and a community case manager to extend dental services (2 years)
Midlands Technical College
Spring 2021To purchase equipment and supplies to expand the Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) program to the MTC Northeast Campus, increasing training capacity by 50% (1 year)
Presbyterian College School of Pharmacy
Spring 2021To replace the current medication dispensing robot, providing training to pharmacy students and filling an average of 7,000 prescriptions annually for patients of the Good Shepherd Free Medical Clinic (1 year)
ReGenesis Health Care
Spring 2021To launch school-based oral health services within Spartanburg District 7 and continue exploring further expansion into Cherokee and Union counties (2 years)
SC Department of Veterans Affairs
Spring 2021SCDVA will purchase and launch a referral and case management system to address veteran’s social determinants of health, increasing coordination of veteran-serving organizations across the state (3 years)
SC Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers
Spring 2021To layer the Safe Babies Court Team (SBCT) approach within children’s advocacy centers (CACs) in Richland, Spartanburg, and Laurens counties, enhancing services provided to children under 3 that are involved in the child welfare system to prevent re-entry in to the system and promote family stabilization (3 years)
University of South Carolina - School Behavioral Health Team
Spring 2021To develop a school mental health workforce pathway to meet the tiered mental health needs of South Carolina public school students by increasing the number of school-serving mental health clinicians and evaluating the feasibility of utilizing mental health support staff as a supplementary workforce for schools (3 years)
Affinity Health Center
Fall 2020To increase access to dental services for low-income patients through the addition of a dental assistant and dental hygienist
Eat Smart Move More South Carolina
Fall 2020To support collaboration at the local level by building the capacity of local coalitions to accelerate needed upstream community health transformation in South Carolina. Coalitions will receive technical assistance, financial support to target coalitions and support in establishing community indicators systems to better assess needs and progress at a community level
Reach Out and Read Carolinas
Fall 2020To implement a quality improvement pilot program with pediatric providers designed to incorporate books on healthy dental hygiene and help families build routines that support oral health and brain development
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control
Fall 2020To support the planning and launch of the SC Oral Health Institute (SCOHI), that will prioritize improving oral health in South Carolina
SC Department of Mental Health
Fall 2020To establish the first statewide community centered Zero Suicide framework by connecting community members and other local efforts to existing Zero Suicide taskforces
South Carolina Office of Rural Health
Fall 2020To support collaboration at the local level by building the capacity of local coalitions to accelerate needed upstream community health transformation in South Carolina. Coalitions will receive technical assistance, financial support to target coalitions and support in establishing community indicators systems to better assess needs and progress at a community level
University of South Carolina's Arnold School of Public Health (Center for Community Health Alignment)
Fall 2020To support the EACH (Ensuring Access to Coordinated Health) Mom & Baby Collaborative, which will scale successful community health worker (CHW) models that have been effective in improving birth outcomes in SC through a partnership with Family Solutions of the Lowcountry, BirthMatters, and PASOs
Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services
Spring 2020Expand access to school-based oral health services in Jasper and Hampton counties through participation in the School-Based Oral Health Expansion Initiative (2 years - Hampton and Jasper)
East Cooper Community Outreach
Spring 2020Replace essential dental equipment, including new chairs, x-ray machines and computers with upgraded Dentrix software in North Charleston clinic (1 year – Berkeley and Charleston)
Healthy Learners
Spring 2020Provide district-wide health screenings for students in five school districts and coordinate services based on needs identified, as well as provide Youth and Teen Mental Health First Aid trainings to the school districts (3 years — Bamberg, Barnwell, Hampton, Marion, and Williamsburg)
Mental Health America of Greenville County
Spring 2020Increase the capabilities and functionality of the call management system to serve the South Carolina arm of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the South Carolina Department of Mental Health’s Community Crisis Response and Intervention (CCRI) program (1 year — Statewide)
Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Services, Inc.
Spring 2020Establish a dental clinic in downtown Charleston to provide comprehensive dental care to uninsured patients (3 years – Charleston)
SC Department of Mental Health
Spring 2020Support the development of the nation’s first community-centered Zero Suicide framework, in order to decrease the rate of suicide by sharing effective strategies designed to raise awareness of suicide, establish a referral process, improve care and outcomes for individuals at risk for suicide (1 year — Statewide)
SC First Steps to School Readiness Board of Trustees
Spring 2020Support implementation of PASO’s Connections for Child Development program, using Community Health Workers to conduct developmental and social-emotional screenings and connect families to needed resources (1 year — Beaufort, Charleston, Lexington and Saluda).
University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
Spring 2020Build upon the previous work by the Core for Applied Research and Evaluation (CARE) and HealthBegins to develop a refined and comprehensive statewide approach to address the social determinants of health and establish a learning collaborative to start addressing social needs in at least five communities (1 year — statewide).
Catholic Charities
Fall 2019Provide discounted full or partial dentures to the economically vulnerable through the Save a Smile program in the Pee Dee Region.
Charleston Center
Fall 2019Increase access to behavioral health services for incarcerated juveniles at the Charleston County Detention Center by providing each juvenile with a behavioral health assessment and treatment plan
City of Spartanburg
Fall 2019Improve early childhood outcomes for young children and their families by establishing a continuum of evidence-based services for all children born in the city of Spartanburg through the Hello Family Pay for Success project
Clemson University
Fall 2019Conduct an assessment of food insecurity in seven rural counties, in order to provide localized recommendations and identify trends that can inform how communities across the state address food insecurity
Greenville Technical Foundation
Fall 2019Support the growing needs of the dental clinic through the addition of supplies and equipment
Medical University of South Carolina Foundation
Fall 2019Increase access to preventive dental care by piloting the co-location of dental hygienists in rural health clinics in the Pee Dee region.
South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control
Fall 2019Building on the statewide FitnessGram data infrastructure, this project will continue statewide data analysis and establish a learning collaborative of school districts to increase time for physical activity during the school day, increase intensity of physical activity opportunities and improve the quality of physical education
South Carolina Free Clinic Association
Fall 2019Support charitable medical clinics across the state to provide direct health care services to uninsured South Carolinians
South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association
Fall 2019Establish a SC Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Consultation network, which will promote social and emotional development in young children, address challenging behaviors and prevent suspension and expulsion from preschools
The Family Effect
Fall 2019Continue providing behavioral health assessments and treatment to incarcerated juveniles in Greenville County by providing each juvenile with a behavioral health assessment and treatment plan
University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health (Core for Applied Research & Evaluation)
Fall 2019To develop a refined and comprehensive statewide approach to addressing social determinants of health in partnership with HealthBegins
Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation
Spring 2019Introduce the Kids in Parks program to South Carolina, converting ten trails to TRACK trails and working with 20 doctors’ offices to prescribe these trails to patients, increasing physical activity for children and families.
Boys & Girls Clubs of the Crescent Region
Spring 2019Expand the reach of the Triple Play program to an additional ten rural and underserved counties in South Carolina to provide a safe place for children to remain active and engaged after school.
Carolina Community Care Inc.
Spring 2019Repurpose, repair and make available durable medical equipment through a reuse program for low-income residents.
Communities in Schools of the Charleston Area, Inc.
Spring 2019Support in-school coordinators at two elementary schools in Charleston County, as well as expand to two additional schools in another school district, to connect students to needed resources to address their social determinants of health and remove barriers that affect their classroom success and long term health.
Epworth Children’s Home
Spring 2019Provide mental health counseling as part of a new counseling center in Columbia, as well as satellite sites in the Pee Dee and Charleston, to increase accessibility of mental health services.
Impact America – South Carolina
Spring 2019Provide free vision screenings to low income children ages six months to five years using high tech digital cameras and conduct a feasibility study to better understand the landscape of vision screenings in public schools.
NAMI of South Carolina
Spring 2019Expand Ending the Silence training statewide to middle and high school students, school staff and parents/caregivers to increase awareness around behavioral health issues for South Carolina teens and connect students to needed behavioral health services.
Pendleton Place
Spring 2019Address the health care needs of low-income families who are involved or at risk of becoming involved in the foster care system through a partnership with Access Health Greenville/Laurens.
South Carolina Community Loan Fund
Spring 2019Expand the Feeding Innovation healthy food business incubator to additional communities, as well as provide technical assistance and support to past and future Feeding Innovation alumni to increase healthy food access across the state.
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
Spring 2019Embed mental health clinicians with law enforcement in five communities to respond to the needs of communities, families and children faced with trauma, allowing for early intervention and mitigation of longer term mental health issues.
South Carolina Network of Children's Advocacy Centers
Spring 2019Provide support and technical assistance to member CACs, as well as put into action the recommendations of the SCNCAC 2018 Development Plan in order to increase statewide CAC coverage to support child victims of abuse.
University of South Carolina Aiken School of Nursing
Spring 2019Establish nursing simulation labs at USC Sumter and USC Union, to support the new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs at each campus.
University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health (Core for Applied Research & Evaluation)
Spring 2019Support the planning and design of a statewide learning collaborative on addressing social determinants of health.
American Cancer Society Inc.
Fall 2018Develop a statewide learning collaborative to increase HPV vaccinations in Federally Qualified Health Centers across South Carolina.
Brain Injury Association of South Carolina
Fall 2018Create statewide resources targeting schools and families that will increase access to services and support to reduce and ease the negative effects of mild traumatic brain injury.
Children’s Trust of South Carolina
Fall 2018Collect data on positive childhood experiences and introduce the Empower Action Model within three community coalitions to increase protective factors and lessen the effects of adverse childhood experiences.
Foothills Family Resources
Fall 2018Provide mental health first aid training for partner agencies of Foothills.
Primary Care Association of South Carolina, Inc.
Fall 2018Improve population health data capabilities among nineteen Federally Qualified Health Centers across the state to better address care coordination, mental health, substance use and social determinants of health.
Saluda County Emergency Medical Services
Fall 2018Equip ambulances with automated chest compression devices to increase the number of patients who survive cardiac arrest.
South Carolina Community Health Worker Association
Fall 2018Establish a credentialing process and increase awareness about the role and value of community health workers in South Carolina.
South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services
Fall 2018Support the implementation of the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant by improving the quality and amount of data collected on substance use treatment and recovery services.
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
Fall 2018Improve family engagement in mental health care and the quality of clinical interventions provided by youth and family serving practitioners within the Lexington and Santee-Wateree Mental Health Centers areas.
South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association
Fall 2018Increase knowledge of infant mental health and quality interactions between professionals and children across South Carolina.
Trident Technical College Foundation
Fall 2018Upfit the nursing simulation center to better prepare nursing students for their careers with hands-on skills.
University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
Fall 2018Establish the Community Health Worker Institute to provide high-quality training for Community Health Workers (CHWs) and employers, as well as assess the value of CHWs through pilot projects.
University of South Carolina College of Nursing
Fall 2018Expand telehealth, behavioral health and rural health competencies within all specialties of the nurse practitioner, graduate nurse administration and doctor of nursing practice programs.
Upstate Affiliate Organization
Fall 2018Establish a community paramedicine program in Oconee County.
CareSouth Carolina, Inc.
Spring 2018To up-fit a permanent dental clinic in Lee County, where there are currently no practicing dentists, with three operatories and necessary dental equipment and supplies.
Children's Trust of South Carolina
Spring 2018Children's Trust of South Carolina and South Carolina Department of Mental Health are working together on the Pee Dee Resiliency Project. This project combines school-based mental health services and community-based efforts to build resiliency and improve well-being for students, families and communities in Darlington, Florence and Marion counties.
Columbia Oral Health Clinic
Spring 2018To provide dentures to 200 uninsured patients living with HIV/AIDS in the Midlands area and improve their oral health status.
Health Sciences South Carolina
Spring 2018To support the South Carolina Surgical Quality Collaborative to advance surgical quality among eight participating hospitals across the state.
Mental Illness Recovery Center, Inc.
Spring 2018To staff a transitional living program with clinical counselors to serve homeless, male youth ages 17-24 suffering from mental illness in the Midlands.
Midlands Housing Alliance, Inc
Spring 2018To support Transitions to increase their capacity to meet the medical needs of existing homeless clients, as well as assess opportunities to meet the needs of medically fragile homeless that cannot currently be served.
Richland County Emergency Services Department
Spring 2018To support the four community paramedics of the Richland County Mobile Integrated Healthcare Collaborative, as they engage at-risk populations to avoid inappropriate or preventable hospital and emergency services use.
South Carolina Dental Hygienist Association
Spring 2018Train registered dental hygienists working in public health settings and dental hygiene faculty on Caries Control Technique/Atraumatic Restorative Technique to better serve those with limited access to comprehensive oral health care.
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
Spring 2018Children's Trust of South Carolina and South Carolina Department of Mental Health are working together on the Pee Dee Resiliency Project. This project combines school-based mental health services and community-based efforts to build resiliency and improve well-being for students, families and communities in Darlington, Florence and Marion counties.
South Carolina Network of Children's Advocacy Centers
Spring 2018Establish a statewide reporting database for Child Advocacy Centers to track services provided to child victims of abuse and utilize this data to improve access and availability of services across the state.
Tricounty Family Ministries
Spring 2018Provide dentures to 100 existing clients in Berkeley, Dorchester and Charleston counties to improve their oral health status.
Children's Trust of South Carolina
Fall 2017To expand the knowledge base of key drivers of neglect and abuse and to develop community-level resources that will facilitate community action to prevent and mitigate the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Eat Smart Move More SC
Fall 2017To build on experiences from Let’s Go communities by strengthening the guidance and support from staff and by providing smaller implementation grants to reach more communities in South Carolina.
Edisto Regional Health Services
Fall 2017To train health coaches to increase patient accountability and management of chronic diseases.
Greenville Health System
Fall 2017To build a collaborative “pipeline” model focused on preparing minority students for entry and success in medical school, in collaboration with MedEx Academy.
Horry Georgetown Technical College
Fall 2017To establish the first Paramedic-to-RN Bridge program in the Pee Dee Region of South Carolina.
South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Fall 2017To continue and improve efforts of decreasing unintended pregnancies among 17-19 year old females.
South Carolina Free Clinic Association
Fall 2017To support charitable free clinics to provide direct health care services to an under-served population otherwise lacking access to health care services.
United Way of Kershaw County
Fall 2017To address food insecurity for low-income residents in rural areas through increased accessibility of healthier foods and nutritional education.
Fall 2017To increase medication adherence among low income individuals by minimizing barriers of prescription cost and transportation.
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Charleston, Inc.
Spring 2017The Save A Smile Program provides dentures based on a sliding scale fee to clients in need of significant dental work to improve the overall health of the client while increasing self-esteem and chances of employment.
Columbia Oral Health Clinic
Spring 2017By purchasing new equipment, Columbia Oral Health Clinic will be able to expand its hours and allow for more patient visits. This will improve the oral health status of the uninsured and underinsured of this client population of the Midlands.
Communities in Schools of the Charleston Area, Inc.
Spring 2017This project will provide a tiered model of services to help students gain necessary skills for personal and academic growth and to minimize the impact that physical and mental health issues can have on students in the classroom.
Culinary Partners, Inc.
Spring 2017This project will combine culinary training for school district food service staff, Healthy Young People Empowerment (HYPE) teams and community coalitions to increase student and community engagement in food and cafeteria changes, promoting healthier foods.
East Cooper Community Outreach
Spring 2017East Cooper Community Outreach (ECCO) aims to improve chronic disease management for uninsured adults by pairing health coaching from nurse practitioners with healthy eating education. This grant will allow the Partners in HealthCare clinic to expand its hours, increasing the number of people receiving care.
Rebuild Upstate
Spring 2017Partnering with the community paramedicine program in select low-income neighborhoods in Greenville County, Rebuild Upstate will address the health and safety needs of patient homes by building ramps, removing moldy carpet, etc. Rebuild Upstate will be able to make necessary repairs in the homes of patients participating in the community paramedicine program to improve their health statuses.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Coastal Empire
Spring 2017This grant aims to alleviate the barriers of transportation and affordability of oral health screening and prevention services of a mobile care dental unit for low-income children in Beaufort, Jasper and Hampton counties.
Abbeville County Emergency Services
Fall 2016Abbeville County Emergency Services received a grant to expand their Community Paramedic Program to include children's services. The paramedics will perform safety inspections, monitor potential health issues and assist parents in understanding their children’s conditions, including special needs and chronic conditions such as asthma.
Greenville Technical College
Fall 2016Greenville Technical College received a grant to purchase equipment to train Nursing Refresher and Medical Assistant students on correct prescription administration. Nearly one in five medication doses administered in hospitals are given in error. The upgraded equipment will better equip individuals in the programs to enter or re-enter the work force.
Harvest Hope Food Bank
Fall 2016Harvest Hope Food Bank will address childhood hunger with a grant to up-fit a production kitchen. The kitchen will serve 3,500 food-insecure children in the Midlands at Kids Café sites, which provide food to low-income children in after school programs. Harvest Hope strives to decrease food insecurity for the 101,000 children under the age of 17 who are food insecure in the Midlands area and minimize the risks that come with food insecurity, including toxic stress and developmental delays.
Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc
Fall 2016Healthy Smiles of Spartanburg, Inc. will collaborate with Spartanburg County school districts, churches and other community organizations to provide school-based oral health care to nearly 25,000 low-income children. The awarded grant will allow them to address the need for emergent and preventive pediatric dental care in Spartanburg County. One in five children screened in the county need immediate dental care.
Midlands Housing Alliance
Fall 2016Midlands Housing Alliance (Transitions) is implementing a regional process for picking up unused and excess food from major food sources throughout the Midlands. This will improve the quantity and nutritional quality of meals for its homeless clients. Access to healthy, nutritious and consistent meals is a major concern for many economically disadvantaged and homeless individuals. Through this initiative, establishing broad and reliable sources of reclaimed food will help provide nutritious meals to clients.
Sistercare, Inc.
Fall 2016Sistercare, Inc. will use its awarded grant to ensure that its clients receive medical care and education on managing their health once they transition from from Sistercare's services. Women who experience abuse often have undiagnosed health problems or limited access to health care. A health services coordinator will assist abused women with getting the care they need through case management and collaboration with medical clinics and hospitals throughout the Midlands.
The Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Charleston
Fall 2016The Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired – Charleston aims to prevent unnecessary vision loss in pre-kindergarten, low-income children in Charleston County. This grant will help provide more than 1,500 Charleston children with in-school eye screenings. Those that do not pass will be offered a full eye exam by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist. They will also receive prescription eyeglasses, if needed. Helping these children get the eye care they need at an earlier age will better equip them to succeed in school, as well as reduce their likelihood of experiencing advanced vision impairment.
The Family Effect
Fall 2016The Family Effect has received a grant to launch a pilot project focused on the mental and behavioral health of children in the Greenville County Juvenile Detention Center. An estimated 1,100 children will receive a behavioral health assessment. The assessment will then be given to judges and case workers to inform sentencing and connect children to needed mental health and substance abuse services. The goal is to reduce recidivism and increase access to care for these children. By addressing the mental and behavioral needs of the child, the Family Effect and the corrections system can offer them a higher chance of success and reduce repeat offenses.
The University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health
Fall 2016The Supporting Health and Activity in Preschool Environments program, or SHAPES, seeks to increase the physical activity levels of young children in South Carolina child care centers by providing research-based, online training to child care providers across the state. This innovative program encourages child care providers to incorporate physical activity into the children’s daily activities. Less than half of America’s children are meeting the current guideline of three or more hours of physical activity per day. Children need this level of activity to support good health and normal development.
Together SC
Fall 2016Together SC seeks to expand awareness among South Carolina’s nonprofits of the non-health factors that influence health. These factors can include education, community safety, and family and social support. This grant will allow SCANPO to assess the need and the opportunity to educate nonprofits on the roles they could have in improving the overall health of their communities.
United Way of the Piedmont
Fall 2016United Way of the Piedmont will assist in expanding the Mental Health America of Greenville County Reassurance Line into Spartanburg County. This project will increase access to mental health care by providing a phone-based, case management program for clients with behavioral and mental health issues. Case workers and trained peer support workers will check in with clients throughout the day and connect clients to needed mental health care resources. The program will improve quality of life and reduce mental health crises in a county experiencing a mental health care worker shortage.
Advanced Care Planning
Spring 2016This grant will be used to develop a strategic plan to promote advanced care planning (ACP) in the state. ACP considers necessary medical decisions and develops a care plan when a patient is no longer able to speak for themselves. Key partners will convene to determine best practices to educate physicians and South Carolina residents on ACP. An increase in the number of ACPs will ensure patient needs are met and increase the quality of services during end-of-life care.
Closing the Gap in Healthcare, Inc.
Spring 2016This grant aims to create and deliver health literacy messages through the media that are easy to understand and culturally sensitive. Improving the health literacy of under-served populations can increase knowledge and understanding of the importance of health care services and increase health outcomes overall.
Columbia Oral Health Clinic
Spring 2016The Columbia Oral Health Clinic provides free oral exams to uninsured and underinsured patients living with HIV/AIDS. In 2013, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) ranked Columbia, SC 14 among the nation's metropolitan areas for new HIV/AIDS cases annually. Most dental clinics across the state do not provide services to patients with HIV/AIDS and the Columbia Oral Health Clinic is the only dental clinic in the city serving this population. The Foundation provided a grant to assist with the upgrade of equipment to better serve these individuals. This will reduce infection and increase overall patient health.
Greenwood Genetic Center
Spring 2016Greenwood Genetic Center will advance autism research statewide by developing a blood test to diagnose autism. Identification of certain metabolic abnormalities will provide targets for developing treatment strategies and early intervention for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Based on data from the CDC, 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. This test will allow all children in South Carolina, including those in rural and under-served communities, to receive early detection and treatment.
Healthy Learners
Spring 2016Healthy Learners will collaborate with 10 school districts in Allendale, Dillon, Georgetown, Greenwood, Lexington and Richland counties to ensure children in need receive health care services. The poverty rate of families with children in these areas is 7 percent higher than the state average. This three-year grant will assist Healthy Learners to provide vision and oral screenings, medications and transportation to clinic appointments for children in these school districts.
Impact America - South Carolina
Spring 2016Impact America uses innovative vision screening technology for children ages 6 months to 5 years old. The three-year grant will assist Impact America in providing free vision screenings using high-tech digital cameras in Head Start sites and child care centers of low-income populations in 31 counties. Providing vision screenings to these young children will better prepare them to begin school by addressing vision problems. Additionally, Impact America with SC Thrive will train individuals to provide tax preparation services to low-income, working families. This program will ensure families receive the tax credits and assistance programs they need.
Institute for Child Success
Spring 2016The Institute for Child Success will use a three-year grant to complete a landscape study on the current protective services of Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) in South Carolina. Ultimately, this research will help promote the success of South Carolina’s youth by producing research and policy recommendations focused on eliminating toxic stress. The KIDS COUNT Data Book found that 29 percent of children under the age of 5 in South Carolina are in poverty. This can lead to toxic stress environments. Toxic stress is caused by long-term exposure to high-stress situations that lead to lifelong health problems. This grant will seek to understand and lessen the effects of toxic stress in children.
Medical University of South Carolina
Spring 2016Each year in South Carolina, around 2,000 children receive a burn injury. The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) has been awarded a two-year grant to develop a burn education and prevention phone app. This app will educate caregivers on the burn healing process, increase access to medical care for burned children and teach users about burn injury prevention. Since the MUSC Burn Program is the only pediatric burn center in the state, the phone app will serve an additional 150 patients and increase access to the vital burn treatment tools MUSC provides in rural areas, decreasing burn incidence in the state.
Palmetto Palace
Spring 2016Palmetto Palace will receive a grant to increase access to health care services through technology and telehealth. Telehealth uses technology to deliver virtual medical services. A mobile health van will service Beaufort, Jasper, Hampton, Colleton and Allendale counties where 20 percent of residents had no health insurance in 2012, compared to a nationwide average of 14.8 percent The Community Health Needs Assessment Survey showed that the greatest barrier to accessing medical and services was transportation. The mobile health van will provide access to preventive care services, reducing the dependence on hospitals and financial strain of these services.
South Carolina Department of Social Services
Spring 2016This grant will create a pilot program in Greenville, York and Lee counties to enable caseworkers to update and access case files remotely while on site visits. Currently, the average length of time between a site visit and when it is documented is 10 days. This program will allow for real-time updates, assisting case managers to make informed and timely decisions in the best interest of children and families.
South Carolina Pharmacy Foundation, Inc.
Spring 2016South Carolina Pharmacy Foundation Inc. will address opioid abuse in South Carolina through a two-year grant. Opioids are medicines prescribed to relieve pain. In South Carolina the mortality rate from drug overdose has tripled from 1999 to 2010, with the majority of deaths caused by prescription medications, like opioids. This program will educate health care providers on the proper management of opioid addiction to prevent over-prescribing opioids. The organization will also raise public awareness of this issue through social media to reduce the number of opioid-related deaths.
The University of South Carolina Center for Colon Cancer Research
Spring 2016The University of South Carolina (USC) Center for Colon Cancer Research (CCCR) has made an impact across the state by providing increased access to colorectal screenings for the medically underserved and uninsured. CCCR was awarded a two-year grant to introduce fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) in remote counties that they do not currently serve. The National Cancer Institute found these unserved counties experience a 20 percent higher mortality rate from colorectal cancer than the rest of the state. CCCR seeks to address this through increased screening and early detection of an additional 375 patients. Since FIT can be done at home, more people can be screened, reducing the occurrence and mortality of colorectal cancer.
Association for the Blind, Inc.
Fall 2015To increase vision health awareness, restore vision to as many individuals as possible, as well as reduce the incidences of unnecessary and irreversible vision loss.
Children's Trust of South Carolina
Fall 2015To reduce the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) which can reduce subsequent negative health, social and economic outcomes.
SC Alliance of YMCAs
Fall 2015To conduct a pilot project to offer a diabetes prevention program (DPP) to low-income individuals at community locations to prevent diabetes.
South Carolina Department of Mental Health
Fall 2015To create an expanded school mental health model in under-served elementary schools to address a continuum of mental health needs, which is part of a school-family-community partnership, designed to improve mental, behavioral and educational outcomes.
Children's Recovery Center, Inc.
Spring 2015To conduct forensic interviews and medical exams for abused and neglected children.
Dee Norton Lowcountry Children's Center
Spring 2015To implement an early intervention treatment model that can more quickly identify strategies to manage symptoms resulting from child maltreatment.
Dorchester Children's Advocacy Center
Spring 2015To support a nurse practitioner for forensic interviews with at-risk children.
Greenville Health System and Greenville County Emergency Medical Services
Spring 2015To hire three community paramedics as part of a team, which includes a social worker. The team will work in five low-income neighborhoods to address basic medical and other health needs. This will result in the right care at the right time and place.
Greenville Health Systems with USC School of Medicine Greenville
Spring 2015To support the Levi S. Kirkland, Sr., M.D. Scholarship Fund for in-state minority students. This will increase physician workforce diversity.
Medical University of South Carolina College of Nursing
Spring 2015To establish a doctoral track for the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program. This includes scholarships for members of the initial class of students.
Nurse Family Partnership
Spring 2015To support current clients and to increase capacity to serve more low-income, first-time mothers.
Spring 2015To bring together Latina mothers, their medical home team and culturally specific community health workers to address the causes of early childhood obesity.
Richland County Emergency Services Department
Spring 2015To use six community paramedics to improve access to care and redirect improper utilization of health care resources of economically vulnerable individuals. This will be through the implementation of a countywide, mobile, integrated health care collaborative.
School District Five of Lexington and Richland Counties
Spring 2015To launch a mobile food truck to distribute warm meals to low-income children. This will reduce the impact of food insecurity on the health of the district's students.
South Carolina Community Loan Fund
Spring 2015To provide a revolving source of low-interest loans for the creation of healthy food access points in rural communities.
South Carolina Free Clinic Association
Spring 2015To enhance behavioral health, dental, prescription and medical services for uninsured adults at free clinics.
South Carolina Office of Rural Health
Spring 2015To address the root causes of poor health in rural communities.
University of South Carolina College of Nursing
Spring 2015To provide scholarships for students in the graduate psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner program. The focus is on improving access to mental health services in underserved communities.
Boys and Girls Clubs of the Midlands, Inc.
Fall 2014This grant will enhance the Triple Play Healthy Habits program for three years. It helps clubs meet national healthy eating and physical activity standards at 45 after-school sites, reaching 5,200 students.
Charleston Southern University
Fall 2014A three-year grant fund scholarship for nursing students who commit to work in community or home-based nursing.
Eat Smart Move More South Carolina
Fall 2014A three-year grant to expand mapping statewide and replicate the Let's Go Colleton County program with other proven community-based ideas in six new counties.
Health Sciences of South Carolina
Fall 2014A three-year grant for the South Carolina Surgical Quality system. The goal is to improve the quality of 15 surgical procedures.
Little River Medical Center
Fall 2014A three-year grant for a pilot emergency dental clinic serving an estimated 1,900 uninsured patients five days per week, at two locations.
Our Lady of Mercy Community Outreach Services
Fall 2014A three-year grant to aid plans to increase dental services on Johns Island.
South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Fall 2014A three-year grant to support the implementation of a national model to improve policies and processes at 12-18 clinical sites, in several communities.
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control
Fall 2014A three-year grant to support and implement a quality improvement initiative. It will gather, assess and analyze health-related fitness education, testing, data management and reporting for all South Carolina Public Schools, impacting 740,000 students.
Midlands Housing Alliance
Spring 2014To fund daily operations of the convalescent housing programs and hire a full-time registered nurse to provide primary and preventive health care to clients.
South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Spring 2014To support ongoing communication, outreach and training efforts.
University of South Carolina School of Medicine — Columbia FoodShare
Fall 2024This two-year grant will expand and increase the operational efficiency of the Veggie RX program by transitioning it to a regional “hub” model. It will increase the number of FoodShare boxes packed each year and boost the number of participants using Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits to access fresh food.
Affinity Health Center
Spring 2024In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, funding will continue to support five federally qualified health care centers with embedded community health workers (CHWs) to enhance and improve outcomes for patients with diabetes. This funding is for three years.
Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services
Spring 2024In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, funding will continue to support five federally qualified health care centers with embedded community health workers (CHWs) to enhance and improve outcomes for patients with diabetes. This funding is for three years.
CareSouth Carolina, Inc
Spring 2024In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, funding will continue to support five federally qualified health care centers with embedded community health workers (CHWs) to enhance and improve outcomes for patients with diabetes. This funding is for three years.
Hope Health
Spring 2024In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, funding will continue to support five federally qualified health care centers with embedded community health workers (CHWs) to enhance and improve outcomes for patients with diabetes. This funding is for three years.
Tandem Health
Spring 2024In partnership with Diabetes Free SC, funding will continue to support five federally qualified health care centers with embedded community health workers (CHWs) to enhance and improve outcomes for patients with diabetes. This funding is for three years.
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Spring 2023This grant will support use of the national, evidence-based Healthy Schools Program to create and sustain healthy school environments. The goal is to increase students’ physical activity and healthy eating to reduce the risk of diabetes and related chronic diseases. (3 years)
Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)
Spring 2023This grant will support the MUSC Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness (BCCW) School-Based Wellness Initiative pilot that will provide an intensive, multitiered approach to school-based services for children at the highest risk of or living with diabetes. (3 years)
Prisma Health — Midlands
Spring 2023This grant will increase the reach of the Management of Maternal (MOMs) diabetes program to improve diabetes care for women during and after pregnancy through the development of a hub-and-spoke model to expand care into more counties. (2 years)
Prisma Health — Upstate
Spring 2023This grant will increase the reach of the Management of Maternal (MOMs) diabetes program by supporting telehealth expansion and use of technology to improve health outcomes for pregnant women with diabetes in more rural areas of the Upstate. (2 years)
Blue Ridge Parkway Foundation
Spring 2022This grant will help launch a full expansion of the Kids in Parks program across South Carolina to encourage children and their families to spend time outdoors, increasing physical activity and healthy behaviors, including 138 new TRACK trails across all 46 South Carolina counties. (Four years)
Clemson University
Spring 2022This grant will provide integrated diabetes care over the lifespan of women from adolescence through old age in collaboration with Clemson Rural Health and the Regional Medical Center. (Three years)
Medical University of South Carolina Foundation
Spring 2022This grant will help prevent diabetes in women at high risk during their early reproductive years in partnership with Fetter Health Care Network. (Three years)
Prisma Health - Midlands
Spring 2022This grant will be used to provide women’s diabetes prevention and care through screening and prevention, improved diabetes management and postpartum care for women with pregestational or gestational diabetes. (Three years)
Prisma Health - Upstate
Spring 2022This grant will support diabetes education and care before and after pregnancy in collaboration with the MOMs in Control of Diabetes program. (Three years)
Rural Health Services
Spring 2022The goal of this grant is to provide medical care to low-income women with, or at risk for, diabetes using evidence-based strategies to empower women to achieve healthier pregnancies and birth outcomes. (Three years)
The University of South Carolina SNAP-Ed Implementing Agency
Spring 2022This grant will be used to conduct an assessment of high-performing Food is Medicine interventions to replicate and inform state-level policy and systems changes needed to reduce food insecurity. (One year)
Affinity Health Center
Spring 2021To support the integration of two CHWs to build capacity to improve prevention and management of diabetes (3 years)
Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health Services
Spring 2021To support the integration of two CHWs to build capacity to improve prevention and management of diabetes (3 years)
CareSouth Carolina, Inc.
Spring 2021To support the integration of two CHWs to build capacity to improve prevention and management of diabetes (3 years)
Health Sciences South Carolina
Spring 2021To build upon the existing Surgical Quality Collaborative, adding an intensive focus to improve diabetes management for patients before, during and after general surgeries (3 years)
HopeHealth, Inc.
Spring 2021To support the integration of two CHWs to build capacity to improve prevention and management of diabetes (3 years)
Tandem Health SC
Spring 2021To support the integration of two CHWs to build capacity to improve prevention and management of diabetes (3 years)
University of SC – Center for Community Health Alignment
Spring 2021To develop a community health worker (CHW) diabetes prevention and management model and provide ongoing coaching and technical assistance to Federally Qualified Health Centers on best practice implementation of the CHW diabetes model (3 years)
Alliance for a Healthier Generation
Spring 2020To expand the Healthy Schools Program to twenty additional districts across South Carolina in order to create and sustain healthier school environments through a framework of best practices and a continuous improvement process for implementation (3 years)
Prisma Health Midlands
Spring 2020To form a joint obstetric-endocrine prenatal clinic at Carolina Diabetes and Kidney Center (CDKC) to improve health outcomes and ease the burden on pregnant women with diabetes living in Sumter. Telemedicine will extend the reach of this program to additional communities, including Clarendon and Richland (3 years — Clarendon, Richland, & Sumter)
Prisma Health Upstate
Spring 2020To expand the services of the Pregnancy Diabetes Clinic by increasing support of onsite endocrinology services, allowing the clinic to transition into a fully integrated joint obstetric-endocrine prenatal clinic model. Reach of clinic will expand to additional communities through use of telemedicine (3 years — Anderson, Greenville, Laurens, Oconee and Pickens).
The Medical University of South Carolina’s Boeing Center for Children’s Wellness
Spring 2020To support the expansion of the “Docs Adopt School Health” program to eight school districts, a school-based prevention and wellness initiative and a list of best practices focused on nutrition, physical activity, employee wellness and social/emotional learning (3 years).
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Spring 2020To scale FoodShare statewide, increasing fresh food access, fresh fruit and vegetable consumption and providing nutrition and diabetes education to low-income families with the overall aim of reducing the prevalence of diabetes in children and adults (5 years — statewide)
Jennie Moore Elementary School for the Creative Arts
Charleston County School District
Faces and Voices of Recovery Greenville
Fall 2019FAVOR Greenville will expand its Emergency Department Overdose Program to include inpatient cases caused by substance use. This program connects economically vulnerable patients to peer recovery coaching during hospitalization rather than as a referral after discharge
United Way of Greenwood and Abbeville Counties
Fall 2019Will create a web-based platform that provides easy-to-understand health and quality-of-life indicators for Greenwood County. This system will equip local leaders, including government and hospital officials, to create a coordinated, prevention-based community plan to improve health outcomes while addressing social determinants of health
American Heart Association Mid-Atlantic Region
Summer 2019This project will interview food stamp recipients in rural communities to understand food shopping behaviors and their utilization of dollar stores and other non-traditional food outlets.
Healthy Learners
Summer 2019This project will allow for a mass health screening of children (K-12) in Dillon county, including vision, dental, asthma and hearing. Data from this pilot will be used to determine how many children have unmet healthcare needs that would not be identified without this screening approach.
Mental Illness Recovery Center, Inc.
Summer 2019This project will pilot providing outreach, behavioral health screenings and connection to treatment for youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness at Richland Northeast High School who are not geographically close to the downtown Youth Drop-In Center.
United Way Association of South Carolina, Inc.
Summer 2019This project supports the SC Counts Collaborative, which is a collective effort to increase the number of “Hard-to-Count” individuals participating in the 2020 census with the aim of increasing the accuracy of information used for federal funding allocations and public health research.
United Way of the Piedmont
Summer 2019This project will equip six local nonprofit organizations with tools and techniques to introduce, implement and evaluate a new approach to working with clients using behavioral change techniques in order to shift from rewarding ‘crisis’ behavior to rewarding choices that can help clients progress to better stability for their families.
Children's Trust of South Carolina
Spring 2019This project will begin to cultivate a list of informed policies and practices to advance race equity and inclusion for organizations across the state to adopt and implement. This list will be promoted through the South Carolina Race Equity and Inclusion Partnership.
Fact Forward
Spring 2019This project will improve adolescent reproductive health by developing a more specific and tailored professional development strategy for pediatric care providers, based on barriers, attitudes and capacity, leading to more consistent implementation of best practices.
Midlands Housing Alliance
Spring 2019This project will evaluate the impact of utilizing home health care providers onsite as needed for medically fragile residents, who would otherwise not be able to stay at Transitions. Transitions continues to see an increase in complex health needs of the homeless population in the Midlands.
SC Thrive
Spring 2019This project will support efforts to better coordinate needed health resources for veterans and military families in local communities through the development of a statewide action plan for veteran-serving organizations across South Carolina.
South Carolina Alliance of YMCAs
Spring 2019This project seeks to understand how the YMCAs can prevent chronic disease by accelerating their potential as an extension to health care services and maximize their capacity to provide evidence-based health interventions through key informant interviews with health care providers and community focus groups.
South Carolina Office of Rural Health
Spring 2019This project will pilot providing social work services through rural libraries in several communities across the state. Social workers will connect individuals to community health resources and address social determinants of health.