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S.C. BlueCross Awards 14 Grants to South Carolina Organizations

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The BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation has awarded 14 grants in the fall of 2018 to health-related organizations serving South Carolina’s economically disadvantaged citizens.

American Cancer Society Inc. — Develop a statewide learning collaborative to increase HPV vaccinations in Federally Qualified Health Centers across South Carolina. (1 year)

Brain Injury Association of South Carolina — Create statewide resources targeting schools and families that will increase access to services and support to reduce and ease the negative effects of mild traumatic brain injury. (2.5 years)

Children’s Trust of South Carolina — Collect data on positive childhood experiences and introduce the Empower Action Model within three community coalitions to increase protective factors and lessen the effects of adverse childhood experiences. (3 years)

Foothills Family Resources — Provide Mental Health First Aid training for Foothills’ partner agencies.   (1 year)

Primary Care Association of South Carolina, Inc. — Improve population health data capabilities among nineteen Federally Qualified Health Centers across the state to better address care coordination, mental health and substance use and social determinants of health. (1 year)

Saluda County Emergency Medical Services — Equip ambulances with automated chest compression devices to increase the number of patients who survive cardiac arrest. (6 months)

South Carolina Infant Mental Health Association — Increase knowledge of infant mental health and quality interactions between professionals and children across South Carolina. (3 years)

South Carolina Community Health Worker Association — Establish a credentialing process and increase awareness about the role and value of community health workers in South Carolina. (3 years)

South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services — Support the implementation of the State Opioid Response (SOR) grant by improving the quality and amount of data collected on substance use treatment and recovery services. (2 years)

South Carolina Department of Mental Health — Improve family engagement in mental health care and the quality of clinical interventions provided by youth and family serving practitioners within the Lexington and Santee-Wateree Mental Health Centers areas. (3 years)

Trident Technical College Foundation — Upfit the nursing simulation center to better prepare  nursing students for their careers with hands-on skills. (6 months)

University of South Carolina Arnold School of Public Health — Establish the Community Health Worker Institute to provide high-quality training for Community Health Workers (CHWs) and employers, as well as assess the value of CHWs through pilot projects. (3 years)

University of South Carolina College of Nursing — Expand telehealth, behavioral health and rural health competencies within all specialties of the nurse practitioner, graduate nurse administration and doctor of nursing practice programs. (3.5 years)

Upstate Affiliate Organization — Establish a community paramedicine program in Oconee County. (3 years)


About the BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina Foundation

Headquartered in Columbia, the foundation is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Its mission is to promote and support healthier South Carolinians, particularly the economically vulnerable, by supporting solutions to address gaps in health care and serving as an agent of change to support innovation and value-added public-private partnerships.