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Social Determinants of Health

Through our Social Determinants of Health Roadmap, we are helping to convene and coordinate key stakeholders to address individual, community and structural determinants of health equity.

Please note: we are not accepting grant inquiries at this time for unique projects outside of our roadmap partners.


We are making progress by convening our partners to achieve important community goals, as stated in our Social Determinants of Health Roadmap. Commissioned in 2019 and first released in April of 2021, the Social Determinants of Health Roadmap outlines how the Palmetto State can address the external societal forces that lead to poor health and will be updated over time as more insights become available.

The Roadmap is a statewide effort, which necessitates building consensus and agreement on fundamental elements that can accelerate the efforts most efficiently between health systems and community service providers.

Core groups have been established and focus on key areas to create strategies that will be used to make decisions on infrastructure that will help address social determinants of health in South Carolina.

Explore the Roadmap

Past Projects

Read about recent projects related to the Roadmap that we have supported in our Fall 2021 Grantee Highlights books.

Fall 2021 Project Highlights Book

About Social Determinants of Health

Individual behaviors and actions are not the sole influences on our health.

External forces that are often beyond our control—including our income and education levels, employment opportunities, physical environment, and more—are critical when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Those external forces are what we mean when we use the phrase social determinants of health.

We are building partnerships between healthcare providers, community organizations, and South Carolina residents in order to address these social determinants of health, promoting efforts that address the individual, community, and societal challenges that perpetuate them.

40% of our health is influenced by social and economic factors like income and education.